There are a few ways to add extractions.


Promo Codes

Click on the Add Promo Code button:

Enter your promo code and click on Activate.

Your extraction count on the top right should update automatically.


Buy Extractions from within CloudKO

Click on the Buy More Extractions button:

This will lead you to our online shop. Once your transaction has been processed, your extraction count should update automatically. If you do not see it right away, click on the refresh  button on the bottom left side of the page.


Redeem Extractions

If you have already purchased some extractions from our shop in another way, for example through a link from our website or from an online promotion, you will have received an email with a license number. Click on the Add Purchased License button:

Enter the license and click on Activate.

Your extraction count on the top right should update automatically.

Next: Upload Images